Saffron Walden

  • Category

    Ecology, Landscape Architecture, LVIA, Visualisation

An interdisciplinary commission including the production of an LVIA, Preliminary Ecological Appraisal, Hard and Soft Landscape design including visualisations, the proposed scheme comprises 9 residential units with associated ancillary infrastructure.
Lying within extensive open countryside and on the edge of the village envelope outside of the Metropolitan Green Belt, the site falls within the National Character Area ‘South Suffolk and North Essex Clayland’.  A number of key receptors were considered for their type, the nature of the visual change, sensitivity to change and the magnitude of visual change posed by the development.

As a result of the LVIA the proposals were amended to allow a robust approach to mitigation of development impacts.
Open Spaces continues to monitor the progress of the application.

  • Category

    Landscape Architecture: Hard Landscape Plan, Soft Landscape Plan, Landscape Management Schedules


    Ecology: Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA)
