Goffs Oak, Enfield, Senior Living Village

An interdisciplinary commission encompassing landscape design, trees, ecology, with Open Spaces helping to deliver a comprehensive package for the outline planning stage. The approved outline development for a ‘Senior Living’ village now moves on to the detailed design stages. The development is set across four primary accommodation blocks with Open Spaces providing the hard and …

Gt. Hallingbury Cemetery

An inter-disciplinary commission commencing with a comprehensive investigation into development constraints via a Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment, Tree and Ecology surveys and associated reports, followed by mitigation design informed by the LVIA, the site is now under development as a privately owned cemetery primarily serving nearby Harlow, Chelmsford and Bishops Stortford. The land, irregularly …

Dudley, West Midlands

Working closely with our developer client, the proposal for this former office site includes conversion of two buildings to residential use and the inclusion of some 32 new units via a general site re-design to include car parking and associated utility requirements, all within a new landscape setting designed for the benefit of residents. The …


Planning consent has now been granted to develop the site of this former Public House on the outskirts of Hertford, and lying in close proximity to the Beane Marsh Local Wildlife Site . Commencing with a BS 5837 tree survey, and associated reports, ecological surveys, including preliminary inspections for bats, Open Spaces has developed a …

Tottenham, N17

The application for an enhanced scheme for development on disused railway land in the heart of Tottenham has now gained full planning consent from Haringey Council. The revised proposal focuses exclusively on land at Plevna Crescent and includes four residential buildings comprising some 70 apartments, with underground parking, associated formal communal landscape areas, green roofs …

Kidlington, Technology Park

Open Spaces was appointed to undertake the detailed soft landscape design and discharge of pre-commencement conditions for this £90M research and development space on the outskirts of Oxford. The Park is designed in ‘campus’ style with the associated landscape meeting ecological enhancement objectives, including the retention of existing hedgerow and inclusion of species rich and …

Ware, Former Public House

Following the closure in 2014 of this Public House on the outskirts of Ware, Hertfordshire, planning consent was granted in 2016 for its demolition and the construction of 10 new 3 and 4 bedroom houses. Working closely with the developer, the planning application package included a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) encompassing an internal inspection for …


Open Spaces were awarded this multi-disciplinary commission for a new residential development located on land towards Plymouth’s northern edge. The project commenced with a BS 5837 compliant tree survey and associated reports and plans, a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) and follow-up bat roost survey. Open Spaces then moved the project forward with hard and soft …

Bean, Kent

Derelict, semi-wooded and with severe level changes across the site, Open Spaces were appointed as Landscape, Arboricultural and Ecological Consultant to this development site in Bean, Kent. Working closely with the planning consultant and developer, commissioned services, which are on-going, have included tree and ecological surveys and reports, masterplanning, outline and detailed hard and soft …

Harwich, Essex

Proposals for a new factory for Sato, Harwich, has won approval from Tendering District Council.  Commencing with a BS 5837 survey of trees, Open Spaces moved the project forward into detailed hard and soft landscape design, including proposals for a new swale and associated retention of the steep banking and ecological enhancements for the northern …