A well-prepared Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) can be key to planning decisions by identifying the effect of your development on both views and on the landscape itself.
An LVIA may be carried out either formally, as part of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), or informally, as a contribution to the appraisal of development proposals and planning applications which fall outside of an EIA.
Skilled at finding a cost-effective approach which is proportional to the scale of your project and its likely effects, we can seek scoping opinions if required, bring clarity to the process involved and once the LVIA is completed, can advise you on mitigation measures to prevent, reduce and where possible, offset any significant adverse effects posed by your development proposal.
From LVIAs for single architect-designed dwellings in sensitive landscapes, to major housing and mixed-use developments, contact us to find out how an LVIA can work for you.

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