This Grade II Listed Building (country house) situated in the Blackdown Hills AONB, has, through the years, fallen into a state of considerable disrepair. Having been used most recently as a scrap yard / auto salvage business, the grounds were home to hundreds of vehicles, not just within the landscape but also within the house itself.
Under new ownership, the vision for the building and adjacent landscape includes the restoration and conversion of the building to a spa hotel, pavilions complex, ancillary supporting landscape and 7 new residential dwellings to render the scheme financially viable.
Having previously prepared an LVIA to assess the impacts and inform mitigation design, the project which has met with considerable local opposition has been subject to intervention by The Secretary of State, with a screening direction, rendering an EIA mandatory, of which our LVIA forms a part.
Working closely with the owner, heritage specialist and planning consultant, Open Spaces continues to monitor the progress of the application.