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    Landscape Architecture, Trees

Proposals for this site, formerly an auto-fitting centre, include the construction of 2no. 2-4 storey blocks and associated landscape, delivering 21 apartments and contributing to the regeneration of this area of London Newham.

Working within an innovative and dynamic design team, we have developed a scheme which complements the architectural narrative and improvements to the existing streetscape, the road fronting block featuring under-croft pedestrian access via stunning bi-folding laser cut metal gates.  The gates allow views of the calm and attractive internal courtyard area, which incorporates corten planters, both in ground and mobile, affording in-built seating and space for the carefully selected planting scheme.  The ground plane introduces a hopscotch plan designed into the paving to encourage informal play, together with decorative laser-cut metal channels (which can be integrated into the drainage scheme).  Balconies and private terrace areas utilise laser cut privacy screens, and the scheme is completed with a variety of both green and brown roofs.

(Video from KC+A)


  • Category

    Landscape Architecture: Hard Landscape Plan, Soft Landscape Plan, Roof Plan, Soft Landscape Specification, Management Schedules

    Planning: Approved