An interdisciplinary commission including the production of an LVIA, Preliminary Ecological Appraisal, Hard and Soft Landscape design including visualisations, the proposed scheme comprises 9 residential units with associated ancillary infrastructure. Lying within extensive open countryside and on the edge of the village envelope outside of the Metropolitan Green Belt, the site falls within the National …
Takeley, LVIA
Open Spaces was commissioned to prepare an informal Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment and BS 5837 compliant tree survey and associated reports for this site lying adjacent to the Flitch Way at Takeley, Essex, to support and inform a proposal comprising the construction of 37 residential properties to include associated landscape, open space and play …
Cliffe, Kent ,LVIA
Commissioned to produce an informal LVIA to support a planning application for eight 2-storey dwellings with associated landscape, the site lies within an area of agricultural land dominated by arable fields interspersed with small hamlets and farmsteads. Numerous land designations exist across the surrounding land, including Special Protections Areas/Ramsar sites, SSSI/Nature/RSPB Reserves, and Metropolitan Greenbelt …
Holiday Cottages, Essex LVIA
Instructed to carry out a Landscape and Visual Appraisal and a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal to support a planning application for holiday log cabins and associated landscape, the scheme, which has since won planning approval, includes 3 buildings, access drive and ancillary parking and landscape areas. With values of surrounding character areas assessed as ‘moderate’, the …
Blackborough House, Blackdown Hills AONB
This Grade II Listed Building (country house) situated in the Blackdown Hills AONB, has, through the years, fallen into a state of considerable disrepair. Having been used most recently as a scrap yard / auto salvage business, the grounds were home to hundreds of vehicles, not just within the landscape but also within the house …